
So how is it? How does one express reality when our perception of it is so flawed? Not just the appearance of reality, but the reality which includes those essences which aren’t part of the appearance. The swarming of photons, the warmth of a hand. Our perceptions, flawed by the biological filter of what our self preservation, our need to fullfil the demands of our meat, allows us to see. Flawed by the very equipment which allows the vision.Filtered through our prejudices, the selected and reconstructed. The vibration that is refracted in the crucible of our being.

In a way it doesn’t matter, whether one seeks to show something to which we can all relate or one seeks to show what exists on the deepst level, they are equally valid endeavors. They are the stories we are permitted to tell.

That is what we do as artists, wrestle with these things. Try to understand, and if that’s not possible at least perceive, clearly and then communicate. It is rarely done plainly because reality does not exist plainly. Art is the dark myth, told around a smokey fire in the night woods, with time suspended, and everything listening.

See. See.